Add directions from Nature Street to your site

To add a link to your nature related site or page:
- - for waterfalls send the request to:
- - for birds, Alaska, and other aspects of nature send the request to:

Include the following information:
  1. a category ( e.g. waterfalls, birds, mountains, etc.)
  2. any subcategory you might want (e.g. waterfalls of the southeast, birds of the northwest)
  3. a short description (up to 100 words) to accompany the link
  4. the URL and the lable for the link
  5. your name and e-mail address
Fowarding URLs are also available: Your web address could be
. . or
. . or

that foward to your existing site www.longISPname/users/more/~yourname/
To find out how send an email request to the webmaster with the proposed web address.

Get your NATURE STREET E-MAIL address

Have your own email address on Nature Street:
One of these or a similar address may fit you:

Your own POP mail box or simple fowarding:
Either type is only $15.95/yr. plus a one time $5 setup fee.
Additional addresses on the same account are only $1.00 per yr.
plus a one time $5 setup fee (waived if setup at initial account setup.)

The automated form is in the process. Until then send your request to:
e-mail account request at

YOUR SITE can be located on NATURE STREET

Your own site and web address on NATURE STREET includes:

  1. a URL such as
  2. 15MB of storage no limit on standard network traffic
  3. password managed ftp access
  4. 2 e-mail pop accounts with up to 15 addresses each
  5. a link/listing on the main pages

All this for $12/month and a one time $25 setup fee.

The automated form is in the process. Until then send your request to:
site host account request at

Nature.St Home Page

Written with AWE for OS/2 beta 0.155
Last update 15 Nov. 1999
Hosted by WebCom best viewed with any browser
  This site was NOT designed for any proprietary browser, if you are having trouble with your browser please let us know so we can correct it. works with any browser (we hope)