" The Nature SiTe "RN
Hosting and URL and EMail services.
E-mail Accounts, including FREE web email

Cliffs at Zion NP Zion Natation Park, Utah

Nature.st in the tables below can also be any of the domains maintainted by "The Nature SiTe"RN,  below where you see sitename or yourname replace with the name you select for your site or subdomain.  An example would be   NY.waterfalls.st   for a website with a focus on New York state waterfalls.  other examples: be  birds.st/OfArizona/ or


Nature.st/sitename/ yourname.Nature.st
 (your own sub domain)
forward to your existing web page or site.
(a link)
$15 setup
$1.00/ mo.
$15 setup
$1.50/ mo.
$35 setup
$3.5/ mo.
one page and limited graphics. $15 setup
$1.75/ mo.
$15 setup
$2.50/ mo.
website, storage, traffic, ftp access. $25 setup
$4.00/ mo.
$25 setup
$6.00/ mo.
$50 setup
$8.00 /mo.

All new accounts must pre-pay the setup fee and a minimum of one year operating fees.
An automatic sign up form is in the works. Enter the information below, submit the form and we will check if your requested site address is available.

Please complete all fields. E-mail address will be verified as a valid point of contact before reading or processing the correspondance.
We will, in most cases, respond within 24 hours.
Sitename    website domain  
Site type:      
Name (First):    (Last)   
Add any additional comments and message below, then click Send:

Enter your message, comments, requests here:


These services are avialable for most of "The Nature SiTe"RN  domains.
  A forwarding (ALIAS) account is where your Nature Mail address such as JanGreen@NatureMail.to is automatically forwarded to your existing account at school, work, or your service provider. The destination address can be changed at any time.

A POP account is where all email sent to your Nature Mail address such as HawkMan@BirdEMail.com is stored on the Nature Mail server until you retrieve it with your favorite email client such as NetScape Message center, EudoraMail, PMMail, Outlook Express, or other even from some webmail accounts.

Web based accounts are always accessed through a webmail site. Your email is stored on the webmail server and you view your email by logging onto the website with your account name and password.

"The NATURE SiTe"RN offers all three types of accounts. The web based accounts in several nature and birding domains are FREE. The POP and ALIAS accounts are available at almost all our domains and are fee based.

Get your "The NATURE SiTe"RN email account at Nature Mail .net free email web based accounts, POP and ALIAS accounts too


All new accounts must pre-pay the setup fee and a minimum of one year operating fees.

"The Nature SiTe"RN